

La storia e la qualità producono valore



At ROCCA PAPER MILL SRL we have decided to guarantee our customers a production of paper tissue spools for hygienic, domestic and industrial use, made of certified materials according to international forest standard and to increase and maintain an active managing system of  the chain of custody.

In order to achieve and maintain this goal ROCCA PAPER MILL Srl commits to:
Check the purchased raw material and its suppliers certification;
Guarantee a constant training of the personnel involved in the chain of Custody System;
Not selling any certified product, should the product not satisfy the requirements of the levels of standard, defined in the Manual;   
Use the forest certification logo only on products that have the features required by the standards.

ROCCA PAPER MILL SRL also declares clearly not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following activities:
Illegal cutting or commerce of  wood or forest products;
activities that imply violation of traditions or human rights during forest operations;
activities that cause destruction of forest of  high value of  preservation;
activities of significant converting of forest in non-forest use crops;
Introduction of Genetically Modified Organism during forest activities;
Activities that violate any ILO Convention as defined in the International Labour Organization the Fundamental  Rights of Workers

Certificate IT313629_ROCCA PAPER MILL S
Certificate IT316248_ROCCA PAPER MILL S
Certificate IT324040 - ROCCA PAPER MILL S